4월 6일(토) 미래안과세션
11:00-11:30 인공지능과 3D printing을 활용한 의료적 접근, 김남국(서울아산병원)
11:30-12:00 유전체 의학의 임상적 적용, 김경철(테라젠 유전체사업 본부장)
4월 7일(일) 정책강좌
11:00-11:20 Epidemiology of eye diseases : a framework to connect the dots
Ryo Kawasaki, Endowed Chair Professor, Department of Vision Informatics (Topcon), Osaka University Graduate
School of Medicine
11:20-11:40 Epidemiological Approach regarding Eye Health and Related Policies in SEARO and Experiences in North Korea.
Reeta Gurung, CEO, Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology
11:40-11:50 "Current Research in global eye health": Importance of vision screening
윤상철, 연세대 보건대학원
11:50-12:00 토론