대한안과학회 학술대회 발표 연제 초록
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본문 : [국문]

15:30~15:40 녹내장
초심자를 위한 섬유주절제술 방법

15:40~15:50 망막
다양한 인공수정체 고정술

15:50~16:00 백내장•굴절수술
백내장 수술 중 홍채탈출의 처치

16:00~16:10 사시•소아안과
사시 환자의 눈운동 및 감각기능검사

16:10~16:20 포도막
포도막염의 수술적 치료

16:20~16:30 성형안과
눈물흘림치료 - 인싸되기

16:30~16:40 외안부
다양한 외안부 질환을 진단해내는 imaging technique

16:40~16:50 임상시각전기생리
다초점망막전위도검사 언제, 어떻게, 그리고 왜 할까?

16:50~17:00 토의


15:30~15:40 Glaucoma
Trabeculectomy technique for beginners
Young Cheol Yoo (Kim's Eye Hospital)

15:40~15:50 Retina
The art of introcular lens fixation
Ji Hun Song (Ajou University School of Medicine)

15:50~16:00 Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Management of iris prolapse in cataract surgery
Jong-Hwa Jun (Keimyung University School of Medicine)

16:00~16:10 Strabismus & Pediatric Ophthalmology
Examination of Eye Movement and Sensory function in Strabismus patients
Bo Young Chun (Kyungpook National University)

16:10~16:20 Uvea
Surgical Management in Uveitis
Min Ho Kim (Apgujung St. Mary’s Eye Center)

16:20~16:30 Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Mastering surgical skills for patients with tearing
Ho-Seok Sa (University of Ulsan, Asan Medical Center)

16:30~16:40 External Eye Disease
Imaging technique for various external eye disease
Jee eun Lee (Busan University College of Medicine)

16:40~16:50 Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision
When, Why, How do you perform multifocal ERG
Hoon Dong Kim (College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University)