대한안과학회 학술대회 발표 연제 초록
발표일자: 2016년 11월 4일(금) ~ 11월 6일(일)
발표번호: P(e-poster)-078
발표장소: 킨텍스 제2전시장 7B홀
증식당뇨망막병증에서 Enhanced High-Density Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography를 이용한 뒤유리체 박리 상태 측정
동국대학교 의과대학 안과학교실
이권휘, 이승우
목적 : To evaluate the status of posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) in proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) patients using enhanced high density spectral optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). 방법 : We examined 48 eyes of 41 PDR patients and 48 eyes of 37 sex- and age- matched healthy controls retrospectively. The status of PVD was divided into four stages according to SD-OCT finding as follows: no PVD, partial PVD (P-PVD) with vitreofoveolar attachment, P-PVD with disc attachment and complete PVD (C-PVD) . 결과 : Of the eyes with PDR, 22 eyes (45.8%) had no PVD, 12 eyes (25.0%) had P-PVD with vitreofoveolar attachment, 14 eyes (29.2%) had P-PVD with disc attachment and none of the eyes had C-PVD. In healthy controls, the corresponding figures were, respectively, 33 eyes (68.7%), 7 eyes (14.6%) 2 eyes (4.2%) and 6 eyes (12.5%). The prevalence of P-PVD was significantly higher in the eyes with PDR (P=0.03). In all case status of vitreous at the optic disc area and complete macular area were achieved. 결론 : The prevalence of P-PVD is four times more likely in the eyes with PDR than controls. P-PVD is a highly liked to be associated with PDR. Therefore, understanding and better imaging technique for the status of PVD in PDR is needed. Enhanced high-density SD-OCT provided useful information about the status of PVD in PDR.