Sunday, 2 November A Room Symposium for Practitioners

Symposium for Practitioners 09:00~11:30 Chairs : Woo Jung Kim, Young Sook Joo
S 09:00~11:30 Symposium for Practitioners
Department of Ophthalmology, Ulsan University College of Medicine, Seoul(1), Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul National University College of Medicine(2), Department of Ophthalmology, Catholic University College of Medicine, Seoul(3), Department of Ophthalmology, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul(4), Department of Ophthalmology, Sunkyunkwan University College of Medicine(5)
Myoung Joon Kim(1), Jeong-Min Hwang(2), Moung-Hee Park(3), Kyu Hyung Park(2), Se Hyun Baek(4), Tae-Young Chung(5)