대한안과학회 학술대회 발표 연제 초록
발표일자: 2014년 4월 12일(토) ~ 4월 13일(일)
발표번호: P(e-poster)-222
발표장소: 킨텍스 제2전시장 7B홀
Effect of Advanced Pterygium Surgery on Intraocular Pressure Measurement by Non-Contact Tonometer
동국대학교 일산병원 안과학교실
노현철, 오종현, 장민욱, 박철용
목적 : To report the effect of the surgery of advanced pterygium on intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement by non-contact tonometer (NCT). 방법 : Thirty-four eyes of 34 patients (22 males, 12 females, mean age: 61.0±9.14 years) with unilateral primary pterygium, invading cornea (equal or more than 3.0mm) were used to measure IOP by NCT preoperatively and after 6 months postoperatively. IOP difference between study eye (pterygium surgery) and control eye (opposite normal eye) was designated ‘delta-IOP’. Delta-IOP had a positive value when the IOP of study eye was higher than control eyes. The change of ‘delta-IOP’ by pterygium surgery was investigated. 결과 : Preoperative delta-IOP was -0.21±2.03 mmHg (mean±SD) and postoperative delta-IOP was 0.00±1.87 mmHg. Delta-IOP was increased over 1.0 mmHg (minimum: 1.12mmHg, maximum: 3.12 mmHg) in 13 eyes and decreased over 1.0 mmHg (minimum: 1.12mmHg, maximum: 3.20 mmHg) in six eyes after surgery. Delta-IOP was maintained within 1.0 mmHg in 15 eyes. Overall, there was no significant change of delta-IOP by the operation considering 34 eyes. However, in 15 eyes with tissue thickness more than 0.5mm, delta-IOP significantly increased after surgery (mean±SD:1.57mmHg±2.24) (p=0.019, paired t test) 결론 : Pterygium surgery can affect the IOP measurement by NCT. Cautious interpretation is necessary in the evaluation of IOP change, especially after excision of thick (>0.5mm) pterygium.