대한안과학회 학술대회 발표 연제 초록
발표일자: 2014년 4월 12일(토) ~ 4월 13일(일)
발표번호: P(e-poster)-220
발표장소: 킨텍스 제2전시장 7B홀
Analysis of Collagen Structural Difference of Human Amniotic Membrane, Preserved Amniotic Membrane and corneosclera Using Raman Spectroscopy
경희대학교 의학전문대학원 강동경희대학교병원 안과학교실(1), 경희대학교 의학전문대학원 경희의료원 안과학교실(2)
진경현(1), 진경현(2), 신재호(1)
목적 : Purpose: Trying to analyze the differences in the structure of collagen between a human preserved amniotic membrane (gAM), a human placental amniotic membrane (hAM), a human reflected amniotic membrane (rAM) and corneoscleral tissue by using Raman spectroscopy and histological analysis. 방법 : Methods: Three AM biomaterials (n=4 for each type) including pAM group, rAM gorup, and gAM group were used. Four human corneo-scleral tissues were collected at the Eye Bank of the Kyung Hee University Medical Center. The H&E and MT images were captured by an Olympus BX51 microscope equipped with a CCD camera. Density-based analysis was performed using ImageJ software. A SENTERRA confocal Raman system equipped with a 100 mW, 785 nm diode laser spurce and a 3–5 cm-1 resolution was used to acquire the Raman spectra. Data were analyzed using Matlab computing software. 결과 : Results: AM groups showed a significant decreased collagen distribution compared to two EYE groups (p < 0.001). Particularly, pAM group showed significantly lower collagen density than rAM. However, we could obtain no histological information from gAM group. In the analysis of Raman spectroscopy the amide I (1655~1667 cm-1) and amide III (1241~1276 cm-1) bands, which indicate the stabilization of a subfibrillar triple helical structure of collagen showed significant low peak in gAM group. 결론 : Conclusion: The preserved amniotic membrane has a weaker collagen structure than other groups. It is believed that preserved amniotic membrane has a weak tensile strength and drops out early in clinical use.