대한안과학회 학술대회 발표 연제 초록
발표일자: 2014년 4월 12일(토) ~ 4월 13일(일)
발표번호: P(판넬)-059
발표장소: 킨텍스 제2전시장 7B홀
Strabismus fixus combined with sagging eye syndrome after third and sixth nerve palsy
연세대학교 의과대학 안과학교실
조영주, 한진우, 이종복, 한승한
본문 : Strabismus fixus is a rare condition in which one or both eyes are anchored in extreme adduction. It can be congenital or acquired. We report an unusual case with strabismus fixus secondary to third and sixth nerve palsy combined with sagging eye syndrome that was treated with large hang-back recession of medial rectus and inferior rectus muscle.