대한안과학회 학술대회 발표 연제 초록
발표일자: 2013년 11월 1일(금) ~ 11월 3일(일)
발표번호: V-013
발표장소: 킨텍스 제2전시장 7B홀
인공수정체 공막고정술시 결막을 보존하는 수술기법
연세대학교 의과대학 안과학교실 시기능개발연구소
우영제, 조영주, 박용식, 김성수
본문 : Purpose: To discribe how to perform scleral fixation of intraocular lens without conjunctival dissection and present the advantages of this technique. Methods: Scleral pocket initiated through a peripheral clear corneal incision. Full-thickness passage of a double-armed suture through the scleral pocket and conjunctiva with subsequent retrieval of the suture ends through the external corneal incision for tying, facilitates scleral fixation. Results: This modification offers several advantages over traditional methods: It eliminates the need for conjunctival dissection and scleral cauterization especially when it accompanied with 23-gauge or 25-gauge transconjunctival sutureless pars plana vitrectomy. A scleral pocket affords a greater surface area for suture placement through an ab externo or ab interno approach. Retrieval of the sutures through the external corneal incision and subsequent tying allows the suture knot to pass under the protective roof of the sclera pocket, negating the need for suture knot rotation and the architecture of the scleral pocket eliminates the need for sutured wound closure. Conclusion: Suture retrieval and scleral fixation through a corneoscleral pocket offers a refined method for fixation of IOLs.